My Memoir | My God Story
"Wow, your writing really is beautiful, stark, and powerful. You are a very good writer, Brenda." Sara Davison, author of Vigilant and the award winning series, The Seven Trilogy
"My heart was touched. Bless you for this beautiful expression of your love for others." Janice Sigston
"I've finished your book, Brenda. What a ride!" Donald Shaw
"I'm half-way through your book, Brenda. It's moving and beautiful and challenging. Thank you for sharing your story. You have tremendous writing skills." Jolie Lambkin
"Such a beautifully honest book. What an inspiration of how you rose above and now give others hope through your faith." Janesse Hirst
"I find your book so captivating that I can't put it down. You write with such truth and wisdom and understanding that I am already asking, 'What will be her next book?'" Marinda Breese
"Oh Brenda! Your book just keeps getting better! You express yourself so well." Cathy Fort Leyland
"I really enjoy the way you write, Brenda, and your book is very relatable. I have learned much from your experience and have thought of your words often when dealing with my own situations." Marilynn Bell
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